Laird Thermal Systems’ new chiller ensures quality resolution for digital microscopes

The advanced design of Laird Thermal Systems’ new thermoelectric-based Nextreme NRC400 Performance Chiller provides a reliable cooling solution for digital light microscope applications. This next generation recirculating chiller achieves 400 W of cooling capacity and a temperature control stability to within ±0.05° C under steady-state conditions to ensure high resolution images and long-life operation with zero global warming potential.

OEM Perspectives: Nextreme™ Value Chiller for Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spectrometers generate large amounts of heat during operation that must be quickly dissipated. The Nextreme™ Value Chiller offers high reliability, precise temperature control, low maintenance features at a low cost for mass spectrometry OEMs.

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OEM Perspectives: Recirculating Chillers for Industrial Lasers


Industrial lasers are used for a wide range of applications including cutting, welding, micro-machining, additive manufacturing and drilling. No matter the application, industrial laser systems generate a significant amount of heat. There are several different types of industrial laser technologies, ultimately distinguished by the power density of the laser and its use. For all laser technologies, OEMs seek advanced cooling of the power source and the laser optics.

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OEM Perspectives: Thermal Management of Electron Microscopes


Electron microscopes are powerful laboratory tools used to observe samples across many scientific disciplines. These advanced analytical instruments enable researchers to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze samples in fields like metallography, metrology, anthropology, zoology, epidemiology and more. Temperature control plays a dynamic role in ensuring the proper operation of electron microscopes.

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莱尔德热系统已对各种热组件组合进行了数十年的验证测试,以优化各种热负载下的冷却功率和效率,同时最大限度地降低噪音。 我们的可靠性和功能测试可以根据客户规范和适用的行业标准要求进行定制。

  • 可靠性测试 – 确保液体冷却系统的机械完整性。
  • 功能测试 – 确保系统满足预期性能。
  • 合规性 - 验证液体冷却装置是否符合适用的行业标准。
  • 质量控制 – 生产线末端测试确保高质量产品

可在下方查阅有关液体冷却系统测试的更多信息,或联系 莱尔德热系统进行咨询。







  • 可靠性测试 – 将确定热电冷却器组件的机械完整性和在预期应用或极端环境条件下的生存能力。
  • 功能测试 – 确保热电冷却器组件达到预期性能。
  • 合规性 – 验证热电冷却装置是否符合适用的行业标准。
  • 质量控制 – 生产线末端测试以确保高质量的产品


评估热电冷却器组件的最常用方法是在执行测试之前和之后测量其交流电阻 。理想情况下,交流电阻在测试后不会改变。如果 ACR 变化大于 5%,则无法通过测试。







  • 可靠性测试 – 确定热电冷却器的机械完整性和在极端环境条件下的运行适应能力。
  • 功能测试 – 验证热电冷却器是否满足预期性能。
  • 合规性 – 确保产品符合适用的行业标准。
  • 质量控制 – 用于最终质量检查的生产线末端测试。


针对Telcordia GR-468 Core 或 MIL-STD 标准,相关产品进行标准的机械或环境测试。标准的测试程序可能无法满足所有应用标准,通常根据 OEM 规范进行定制环境测试。用来评估热电冷却器性能状况的最常用方法是在进行合格测试之前和之后测量其交流电阻 (ACR),该阻值的显著下降表明热电冷却器已退化。如果 ACR 变化大于 5%,则无法通过测试。 

阅读以下内容可了解有关热电冷却器测试的更多信息,或联系 莱尔德热系统寻求帮助。