2023年10月16日 – – 全球热管理解决方案领导厂商莱尔德热系统Laird Thermal Systems, 自豪地宣布, 基于科学碳目标倡议(SBTi, 正式批准了我们的温室气体减排目标,达到实现《巴黎协定》目标所需的水平。这一重大成就突显了莱尔德热系统对环境、社会和治理(ESG)原则以及负责任商业实践的坚定承诺。
SBTi的批准遵循了严格的评估过程,确认莱尔德热系统的可持续发展理念完全达到了SBTi的气候目标和最佳实践要求。涵盖温室气体排放公司运营的目标(scopes 1 和2)与到2030年将全球变暖限制在1.5℃所需的减排要求一致,这是《巴黎协定》中最雄心勃勃的目标。莱尔德热系统承诺到2030年将scopes 1 和2的温室气体排放量在2021基础上减少42%,并测量和减少scope 3的排放量。
Air conditioners utilizing thermoelectric coolers are often considered as an alternative to conventional vapor-compression systems for enclosure cooling. Because a thermoelectric cooler is compact, robust, and completely solid-state, the inherent reliability of such a system is attractive to engineers and end-users alike. However, there is an inherent reluctance to choose a thermoelectric-based system due to preconceptions about energy efficiency or lack of experience with thermoelectrics.
Engineers of all disciplines more frequently need a Thermal Wizard, someone who can solve their heat dissipation or critical thermal management problems. If you need a Thermal Wizard or you are that Thermal Wizard that coworkers count on, then you are familiar with the more common issues associated with solving unanticipated or sudden thermal management problems.
Particle accelerators, such as linear accelerator (LINAC) and cyclotron systems, increase the kinetic energy of particles for use in a variety of applications, ranging from scientific studies on particle physics to radiation therapy for cancer patients. Particle accelerators, like most sensitive medical and laboratory equipment, are negatively affected by thermal variations, specifically an increase in heat. Temperature control of vital particle accelerator system components is critical for operational integrity, performance accuracy and system reliability.
Thank you for contacting Laird Thermal Systems. Our team will respond to your request shortly.
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Asia / Pacific: +86 755 3698 8333 ext. 218
Americas: +1 919-597-7300
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2023年13月6日 – 莱尔德热系统(Laird Thermal Systems)已经开发出全新OptoTEC™ MSX系列微型多级热电制冷器,和将它集成在各种光学封装中的能力,包括广泛使用的TO-39、TO-46以及TO-8等规格,能够构建出更为先进的光学热电模组。MSX系列采用先进的陶瓷材料、专有的焊接技术以及下一代热电材料,可将制冷能力提高10%,而所有这些都在很小体积中实现。光学热电制冷模组通常是为高性能图像感测应用而设计,可用于分析、工业和航空航天等领域。
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2023年5月16日 – 莱尔德热系统(Laird Thermal Systems)的 Nextreme™ Value 冷水机系列 现在又上市了1200瓦和4500瓦两种新机型。Nextreme VRC1200和VRC4500能够针对特定应用提供所需的配置,是医疗、工业和分析仪器等行业原始设备制造商(OEM)一直在寻求既可靠、经济又高效的理想制冷解决方案
时隔三年,伴随着春日暖阳,满怀喜悦心情,深圳工厂全体员工盼来了Laird Thernal Systems CEO Dr. Karine Brand女士的亲自到访。