

Nextreme™ 循环冷却器


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Precise Temperature Control for Microscopes


Electron microscopes are a powerful laboratory tool used to observe samples across many scientific disciplines. These advanced analytical instruments enable researchers to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze samples in fields like metallography, metrology, anthropology, zoology, epidemiology and more. Temperature control plays a dynamic role in ensuring the proper operation of electron microscopes.

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面向娱乐应用的激光投影仪利用激光模块生成具有强大调色板和高达75,000 流明的 4K 分辨率图像。虽然商用激光投影仪迅速发展为更加节能的系统,但这些系统仍需要高达6kW 的功率才能生成明亮的高分辨率图像,而这是在电影院和体育场大型场馆进行投影所需要的。因此,高功率激光系统在运行期间会产生大量热量,如果这些热量处置不当会降低敏感的激光组件性能,包括激光模块(激光二极管和激光光学器件)、光学扫描系统和激光二极管驱动器电子设备等。这些系统需要稳定的温度控制,以确保正常的功能、长寿命运行和清晰的图像投影。在保持激光投影仪尺寸的同时,需要提高亮度和调色板分辨率,这给许多制造商带来了重大的热管理挑战。根据激光投影仪的类型,可以通过循环制冷器或带有热电制冷器的环境液体冷却系统来进行温度控制。


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工业激光器应用于切割、焊接、微加工、增材制造和钻孔等多个领域,无论是何种应用,都会产 生大量热量。工业激光技术有多种不同类型,区别在于激光的功率密度及其用途。但各种激光系 统的共性在于都需要对电源和激光光学系统进行高级冷却,这些组件的温度稳定性对于确保激光 系统的性能和满足客户需求至关重要。

几十年来,工业激光系统一直在使用冷水机进行冷却。然而,新的行业制冷剂限制和性能要求促 使工业激光制造商采用更环保、更高效、免维护的冷水机解决方案。高效且环保的 Nextreme 循 环冷水机平台能够安静地将温度敏感部件冷却到环境温度以下,以确保最佳的激光性能,并能以 具有竞争力的成本帮助激光器厂家提供整体解决方案。

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Nextreme™ Recirculating Chiller Platform

The Nextreme Recirculating Chiller Platform from Laird Thermal Systems is the next generation of recirculating chillers. It features high-quality components, environmentally friendly refrigerants, low-noise and user-friendly operation for reliable, precise temperature control of analytical, medical and industrial equipment. This product brochure provides an overview of the entire Nextreme platform.

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Conflict Minerals Policy

Laird Thermal Systems is aware of the fact that extraction, trade, handling and export of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores and gold originated from these conflict-affected and high-risk areas (eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries (Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo Republic, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda and Zambia) as identified in Dodd-Frank 1502, as well as those areas designated by the European legislation https://www.cahraslist.net/cahras), have contributed to armed conflicts and human right abuses. 

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Thermoelectric Coolers for Handheld Cosmetic Lasers


Handheld lasers have become a standard device in cosmetic surgery and medical spa applications. Handheld cosmetic lasers offer a wide range cosmetic benefits with minimal damage to the body and reduced patient recovery time. Even though thousands of microscopic laser beams make pinpoint contact with the skin, the process does not affect the surrounding tissue. However, lasers generate a significant amount of heat that must be quickly and efficiently dissipated to protect the patient, and the laser electronics.

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