
随着频率的增大,所有领域的工程师都需要协助来解决散热或日益严重的热管理问题。为了解决这些问题,莱尔德热系统开发了“热管理大师(Thermal Wizard)”,这是一个产品和规格工具,可帮助工程师根据具体应用需求找到最佳的冷却解决方案。 


  • 选择正确的热管理解决方案以满足指定或未知的冷却要求(Qc)
  • 开发测试性设计以解决一些“假设”场景问题,并能够知道何时与散热解决方案供应商合作,以针对定制配置进行原型设计


Cooling Medical X-ray Imaging Equipment


Designed to take pictures inside a patient’s body, medical X-ray imaging systems are a vital piece of detection equipment. Medical X-ray imaging equipment can be used to detect and diagnose a wide range of injuries or diseases. In X-ray-based imaging techniques, an X-ray beam is projected through a patient to a recording medium. The generation and projection of an X-ray beam is highly inefficient and produces a large amount of waste heat. The heat load can be as much as 5KW.

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Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies for Reagent Storage

Maintaining a precise temperature below ambient, and monitoring this temperature carefully, are critical to extending the shelf life of reagents used in chemical and biological processes. Thermoelectric cooler assemblies provide a more efficient, reliable and cost-effective thermal control method compared to other thermal management technologies. 

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Precise Thermal Management for Additive Manufacturing


Additive manufacturing, better known as 3D printing, is an emerging application that is finding an expanding purpose in the manufacturing process. Once primarily used for quickly making prototype parts, 3D printing is now also used to digitize workflow and manufacture production quality final products. There are many different types of 3D printing methods used to physically create a desired object.

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增材制造也称为 3D 打印,这是一种新兴技术,能够生产更牢固、更轻的产品,可用于医疗、工业和消费等市场的广泛应用。在3D 打印在 1990 年代刚刚开始时,它被认为仅适用于原型零件。随着材料、精度和可重复性的改进,这种技术现在已经常用于最终产品的制造和工作流程的数字化。3D 打印机利用激光将熔化的塑料树脂或金属一层一层地堆叠(打印)以创建牢固的3D部件。这种激光或电子束会产生大量热量,需要将这些热量从敏感电子设备中散发出去,以确保高质量的3D打印物体和机器设备长寿命运行。

UltraTEC™ UTX 热电冷却器

对于占位面积较小的激光系统,可以将热电冷却器直接安装在激光器外部。莱尔德热系统的 UltraTEC™ UTX 系列可冷却至远低于环境温度,并将热量从 3D 打印机的敏感组件散发出去。

了解有关 UltraTEC UTX 系列的更多信息

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

Laird Thermal Systems is committed to protecting the environment and the health, safety and welfare of our employees and the communities where we operate. This is our Environmental, Health and Safety Policy.

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