Machine Vision

Thermal Management for Optoelectronic Applications

Laird Thermal Systems offers advanced thermoelectric cooling solutions for temperature stabilization of optoelectronic applications.

This brochure provides an overview of products meeting thermal demands of high-temperature optoelectronic devices.

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Thermoelectric Coolers for Machine Vision

Machine Vision enables advanced manufacturing inspection, object and facial recognition by utilizing image-processing and pattern-recognition techniques. Sensitive electronics and imaging sensors require precise temperature control to ensure the capturing of high-resolution images.

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Thermal Management for Industrial Applications

The cooling capacity demands for industrial equipment can vary from a couple of hundred Watts to hundreds of Kilowatts with required temperature control ranging from -80°C to +150°C.

This brochure provides an overview of our thermal management solutions for industrial applications. 

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The ETX14-12-F1-6262-TA-RT-W6 high temperature, high-performance thermoelectric cooler uses Laird's enhanced thermoelectric module construction preventing performance degrading copper diffusion, which is common in standard grade thermoelectric coolers operating in high temperature environments exceeding 80 °C. It has a maximum Qc of 138 Watts when ΔT = 0 and a maximum ΔT of 83.2 °C at Qc = 0.

Qc Max:

Peltier Cooling for Machine Vision


Machine vision is the replacement of human examination, assessment and decision-making with video hardware and software systems. The technology is often used for vision inspection, quality control, robotics, wire bonding and down-hole applications where machine vision systems obtain data from analyzing images of a specific process or activity. 

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