Laird Thermal Systems operates globally but our customers see us as local partner. Since we are represented all over the world we are always close to our customers, no matter what continent they operate in.

Our Laird Thermal Systems’ sites with its different services can be found here:
Laird Thermal Systems - Shenzhen, China |
Laird Thermal Systems - Liberec, Czech Republic Průmyslová 497, 463 12 Liberec, Czech Republic |
Laird Thermal Systems - Gothenburg, Sweden E A Rosengrens Gata 25 42131 Västra Frölunda |
Laird Thermal Systems – Durham, NC 629 Davis Drive Suite 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 |
Laird Thermal Systems GmbH – Rosenheim, Germany Kunstmuehlstrasse 12a 83026 Rosenheim Germany |