OptoTEC™ MBX Series

OptoTEC™ MBX Series

OptoTEC™ MSX Series

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OptoTEC™ MBX Series

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Advanced Thermoelectric Cooling for Optoelectronics


Used to source, detect, and control light, optoelectronics are increasingly important in a wide range of automotive, telecom, and industrial applications. With high beam quality and low energy consumption, optoelectronics offer superior performance at a low cost. Due to the potentially high-temperature environments in which these optoelectronic components operate, active thermoelectric coolers are used for temperature stabilization to ensure maximum performance and long-life operation.

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Laser Diodes

Within industrial processing, laser diodes are bundled together to form a high-power laser that can cut thru materials. Laser diodes are also used in light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology used, for example, to map the area surrounding an autonomous vehicle.

Lidar Sensors

The lasers in Lidar systems, particularly those used in outdoor autonomous applications, require active cooling to achieve maximum resolution in high-temperature environments. As temperatures increase, the wavelength of the laser changes, resulting in increased range error. Maintaining operational temperatures within a Lidar system’s temperature limits ensures peak performance. 

Laird Thermal Systems Solutions

High-performance thermoelectric coolers offer a flexible active cooling option for spot cooling of Lidar sensors. 

Optical Transceivers

For all these packages Laird Thermal Systems manufactures several different series of thermoelectric coolers:

The OptoTEC™ OTX/HTX Series miniature thermoelectric cooler. Designed for lower current and lower heat-pumping applications, the OptoTEC™ OTX/HTX Series Series keeps the laser diode operating temperature stable at around 25+/-0.5°C, achieving a temperature accuracy of ±0.01°C.

Thermoelectric Coolers Catalog

Laird Thermal Systems designs and manufactures thermoelectric coolers which adhere to strict process control standards and pass/fail criteria, assuring our customers receive the best possible modules. Our extensive standard product portfolio covers a wide range of cooling capacities, temperature differentials, input power requirements and geometric footprints. Standard finishing options are available to accommodate alternate lead lengths, lapping thickness tolerances, and moisture protective sealants.

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Cooling Solutions for Autonomous Systems


Advances in autonomous technologies, such as smart headlights, autonomous systems for collision avoidance, and infotainment systems, require enhanced thermal protection of critical electronics to ensure optimized performance. These emerging intelligent autonomous systems are increasingly complex while decreasing in size and weight. Packing more functionality into smaller footprints has increased the heat flux density and thermal challenges in autonomous systems.

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Industrial Laser

There are many applications of industrial lasers. Whether used for cutting, welding, micro-machining, additive manufacturing or drilling, industrial lasers generate a significant amount of heat that can affect accuracy and repeatability of the system. Efficiently cooling lasers ensures proper, long-term performance of the laser. Compressor-based refrigeration systems have long been used to cool laser systems, while thermoelectric-based chillers or coolers offer spot cooling for low power lasers and optical components.