Medical X-Ray

Computerized Tomography (CT)

In computed tomography (CT) X-Ray systems, the tube and detector are rotating at very high speeds around the body during examination to produce a 3D image. 

Thermal management of both the x-ray tube and detector is required to detecting and diagnosing injuries and diseases. Due to the high g-force environment, system reliability is critical. Laird Thermal Systems’ cooling solutions can spin around the patient up to five times a second, creating rotational forces up to 70 G's without impacting system operation.

Cooling Medical X-ray Imaging Equipment


Designed to take pictures inside a patient’s body, medical X-ray imaging systems are a vital piece of detection equipment. Medical X-ray imaging equipment can be used to detect and diagnose a wide range of injuries or diseases. In X-ray-based imaging techniques, an X-ray beam is projected through a patient to a recording medium. The generation and projection of an X-ray beam is highly inefficient and produces a large amount of waste heat. The heat load can be as much as 5KW.

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