Temperature Controllers


Heating and Cooling of Incubator Chambers

Since proteins are extremely sensitive to environmental deviations, a temperature difference by as little as 6°C from the body temperature of 37°C, have a negative impact on cell health. If too cold, cell growth slows and if too hot, sensitive proteins begin to denature. Not only temperature needs to be controlled, also humidity, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels are important factors. Due to the limited space constraints within incubators, thermal solutions must have a compact form factor. Incubator manufacturers also face challenges related to airflow, moisture, dust and ease of cleaning.

PR-59 Serial Command Interface Manual (English)

The Serial Command Interface is a serial communications protocol, which efficiently handles the control of the regulator. The regulator unit is acting like a slave or standalone unit. Each command from the master unit results in a response from the regulator.

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PR-59 and LT User Manual (English)

The TC-XX-PR-59 programmable controller is designed for reversible (cooling/heating) control of thermoelectric cooler assemblies that require precise temperature control accuracy. The controller not only regulates the temperature, but also features two programmable fan outputs and an alarm output relay. The controller can be used as a stand-alone unit with RS-232 interface to control settings and parameters live. An easy to use PC software is used to input parameters visually and see output parameters in real time.

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TC-XX-SR-54 User Manual (English)

The TC-XX-SR-54 temperature controller is a microcontroller based device that can be incorporated into a thermoelectric cooler assembly to add integrated temperature control. TC-XX-SR-54 is a bi-polar temperature controller for cooling/heating of thermoelectric cooler assemblies requiring precise temperature control accuracy. The TCXX-SR-54 has thermoelectric cooler outputs, three programmable fan outputs, alarm output relay, alarm condition LEDs, three temperature sensor inputs. The parameters will be programmed at the factory according to the customer requirements.

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