
Eco-Friendly Temperature Stabilization Solutions for OEMs’ Climate Action Goals


At Laird Thermal Systems, we are committed to eco-friendly solutions for temperature stabilization for demanding applications across global medical, analytical, industrial, transportation, and telecommunications markets.

Older compressor-based systems often use high global-warming potential (GWP) HFC refrigerants like R134a and R404A. New industry requirements are moving away from the use of such refrigerants due to their environmental impact. New government restrictions on traditional and natural refrigerants are central to compressor-based systems.

Multistage Micro Thermoelectric Coolers for Miniature Optical Image Sensing Applications


Miniature optical packages provide a robust hermetic seal to protect small image-sensing components, including CMOS, CCD, IR, and X-ray detectors. Optical packages, like Transistor Outline (TO) Cans, are widely used for image-sensing applications. For high-end image sensing, micro thermoelectric coolers (TECs) can be integrated into optical packages called Optical Thermoelectric Assemblies (TEAs). This will provide deep cooling to temperatures well below ambient to minimize thermal noise and capture maximum light spectrum.

OptoTEC™ MSX Series

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Industry TECH DAYS Virtual Conference

Next Gen Thermoelectric Coolers for Optoelectronics

Date: Monday, September 13, 2021

Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour

Complex manufacturing processes require advanced thermal management solutions to support heat removal and temperature stabilization of optic systems in a wide range of applications. For example, thermoelectric coolers provide superior spot cooling for laser optics and power sources to deliver robust, low-power, and maintenance-free operation. 

OptoTEC™ MBX Series

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