
X-ray Cooling in Industrial Scanners


Industrial scanning equipment like X-ray machines are used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from non-destructive evaluation looking for manufacturing defects and contaminants to scanning trucks or baggage to ensure safety and security. X-ray inspection can be used for both process and quality control in automated assembly lines. Only a small portion of the energy generated by these systems is emitted as X-rays; the balance is released as heat.

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Energy Storage Systems


Energy storage systems (ESS) have the power to impart flexibility to the electric grid and offer a back-up power source. Energy storage systems are vital when municipalities experience blackouts, states-of-emergency, and infrastructure failures that lead to power outages. ESS technology is having a significant impact on a wide range of markets, including data centers that utilize uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) and telecom base stations that utilize battery back-up systems.

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Thermal Management for Semiconductor Metrology Equipment


The history of thin film semiconductor manufacturing has been one of constant process improvement. This constant process improvement was necessary in order to establish cost effective high yielding production lines as they struggled to keep pace with Moore’s law. All of this has been made possible through the integration of automated metrology systems with statistical process control. 

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Liquid to Liquid Ambient Cooling Systems for Semiconductor Tools


Cooling and temperature control systems are used throughout semiconductor fabrication facilities. In fabrication facilities both large and small, hundreds to thousands of cooling systems are installed and operate continuously. The processes employed are usually setup as copy-exact, which means the process systems are developed and transferred from the OEM of the process tool. These critical production tools used in semiconductor fabrication facilities are required to be reliable and easy to service to deliver minimum downtime.

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Corrosion Prevention in Cooling Loops

Corrosion results in reduced fluid flow, clogged filters or even damaged pump components. In worst case, leaks can form if enough material is removed from the fluid containment. For applications requiring high purity of the process cooling fluid, corrosion causes contamination. Nevertheless, in most applications, metal corrosion can be prevented by using the right materials and techniques.

Industrial X-Ray Cooling

X-Ray Cooling in automotive industries

In the automotive industry these scanners are used to inspect new tires, looking for voids and non-compliant materials in the rubber. Motor block inspection is accomplished much faster through the use of X-ray systems that utilize rotating gantries. Industrial components can be inspected with X-ray scanners to quickly determine material structure and potential defects including cracks, voids and inclusions.