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Title Applications Product Section
Laird-TS-Liquid-Cooling-Options-for-PET-and-SPECT-Scanners Liquid Cooling Options for PET and SPECT Scanners Medical, Medical Imaging Liquid Cooling Systems
Mobile Base Station Air-to-Air Outdoor Cooler From Laird Cools Mobile Base Stations and Cell Towers at a Lower Cost Telecom, Base Station Battery Cooling, Enclosure Cooling Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies, Outdoor Cooler Series
ET12,65,F2A,1312 Laird’s Thermoelectric Coolers Deliver Precise Laser Diode Cooling Telecom Thermoelectric Coolers, OptoTEC™ Series
Boosted-Tunnel-Series Laird Thermal Systems Adds New Models to Tunnel Series Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly Product Line Medical Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies, Temperature Controllers, Tunnel Series
Beverage Thermal Management Solutions for Beverage Cooling Consumer, Beverage Cooling Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies
Recirculating-MRC-Series-Chiller Compact Recirculating Chillers From Laird Deliver Precise Temperature Control in Laser Systems Medical, Medical Lasers, Industrial, Industrial Laser Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies, MRC Series
Cell Tower Cooling for Mobile Base Stations and Cell Towers Telecom, Base Station Battery Cooling, Enclosure Cooling Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies
SuperCool-Series Laird’s SuperCool Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly Increases Cooling Performance By Up To 60% Analytical, Medical, Medical Diagnostics Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies, SuperCool X Series
Cooling-Systems-for-Semi-Tools Laird’s Liquid Cooling Systems and Temperature Controllers Designed for Semiconductor Fabrication Equipment Industrial, Semiconductor Fabrication Equipment Liquid Cooling Systems
battery room Energy Storage Systems Telecom, Base Station Battery Cooling, Enclosure Cooling, Industrial Thermoelectric Cooler Assemblies