


MBX TECs for Optical Transceivers

Laird Thermal Systems Commits to Sustainable Principles with SBTi-Endorsed Emissions Goals

October 16, 2023Laird Thermal Systems, a global leader in thermal management solutions, is proud to announce the official approval of its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. This significant achievement underscores Laird Thermal Systems’ unwavering commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and responsible business practices.

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Electronic Enclosure Cooling Thermoelectric vs. Compressor-Based Air Conditioners


Air conditioners utilizing thermoelectric coolers are often considered as an alternative to conventional vapor-compression systems for enclosure cooling. Because a thermoelectric cooler is compact, robust, and completely solid-state, the inherent reliability of such a system is attractive to engineers and end-users alike. However, there is an inherent reluctance to choose a thermoelectric-based system due to preconceptions about energy efficiency or lack of experience with thermoelectrics.

How to make the Laird Thermal Systems Wizard your Thermal Wizard


Engineers of all disciplines more frequently need a Thermal Wizard, someone who can solve their heat dissipation or critical thermal management problems. If you need a Thermal Wizard or you are that Thermal Wizard that coworkers count on, then you are familiar with the more common issues associated with solving unanticipated or sudden thermal management problems.

Cooling Particle Accelerators: Linear Accelerators and Cyclotrons


Particle accelerators, such as linear accelerator (LINAC) and cyclotron systems, increase the kinetic energy of particles for use in a variety of applications, ranging from scientific studies on particle physics to radiation therapy for cancer patients. Particle accelerators, like most sensitive medical and laboratory equipment, are negatively affected by thermal variations, specifically an increase in heat. Temperature control of vital particle accelerator system components is critical for operational integrity, performance accuracy and system reliability.

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Asia / Pacific: +86 755 3698 8333 ext. 218
Americas: +1 919-597-7300
EMEA (DE): +49 8031 6192887
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EMEA (CZ): +420 488 575 111



2023年13月6日 – レアードサーマルシステムズは、小型多段熱電冷却器OptoTEC™ MSXシリーズ製品を開発、その製品群を発表しました。これらの製品群を、一般的なTO-39やTO-46、TO-8などのさまざまな光パッケージに搭載した、先進の光熱電アセンブリ(TEA)製品も発売します。MSXシリーズは、先進のセラミック材料や独自のハンダ付け技術、次世代熱電材料を使い、小型ながら冷却能力を10%上げました。光TEAは、分析機器や工業用機器、航空宇宙機器に使われる高性能なイメージセンサー機器に使えるように設計されています。

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OptoTEC™ MSX Series

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2023年5月16日-レアードサーマルシステムズ社の再循環方式のチラーであるNextreme™ バリューチラーシリーズに、1200 Wと4500 Wの製品が追加されました。特定用途向けの構成が可能で、Nextreme VRC 1200とVRC4500製品は、医療機器や産業機器、分析装置向けに信頼性が高くコスト効率が良い冷却システムを求めていたOEMにとって理想的です。

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